The Enneagram 9 personality, also known as the “Peacemaker”, is one of the most complex and contradictory personalities in the Enneagram system. They are known for their serene and accommodating nature, often acting as mediators in conflicts. However, their desire for peace and harmony can also lead them to avoid facing their own emotions and conflicts.
An illuminating approach to further decipher the Enneagram Type 9 is by observing its Tarot archetypes. Celebrated as an ancient method of introspection and self-understanding, Tarot cards provide profound reflections on the intricate landscape of our psyche. Now, let’s unravel the Enneagram system and its connection with Tarot archetypes!
Understanding the Enneagram Types
The Enneagram is a dynamic blueprint for individual and collective transformation. Originating from the Greek words ‘ennea’ (nine) and ‘grammos’ (a written symbol), the system divides into nine Enneagram personality types. Each enneagram type encapsulates unique strategies for self and societal interaction.
Each Enneagram type possesses a distinct cognitive and emotional pattern derived from an underlying motivation or worldview. Identifying our Enneagram type enables us to notice our instinctive pattern and decide whether to follow this path or adopt a healthier perspective.
The Enneagram types are classified into three Triads based on their decision-making process. The nine personalities are heart types, head types, or gut types.
Enneagram Type Nine is part of the Gut Triad, which includes the Enneagram One and Enneagram Eight personality types. Gut Triad members prefer to interpret the world through instinctive action. Often, they operate from a fight, flight, or freeze response, acting before they can think.
The Enneagram Type 9 is widely regarded as the calmest of the nine personality types. Compare their demeanor to the critical Type One or aggressive Type Eight, and you may wonder how Nines fit into the fold. After all, Nines prioritize harmony within a group over sharing their own opinions.
Despite their “Peacekeeper” title, Enneagram Type Nines face the same core emotion of their triad counterparts – anger. Whereas Eights express their rage openly, Nines bury their negative emotions. As a result, Nines can present as friendly and easy-going despite internal turmoil.
The Interconnection of Tarot and Enneagram
Similar to the Enneagram, the Tarot system is a symbolic language that enables a deep exploration of the human experience and consciousness. Both methodologies probe into the fundamental motivations, fears, and desires that shape our behavior, offering rich insights into our identity and personal development.
The Enneagram outlines the various personality types, explaining our cognitive, emotional, and behavioral patterns. In contrast, the Tarot uses symbolic visuals and traditional archetypes to elucidate our life experiences, interpersonal relationships, and spiritual quest. When combined, these systems offer a holistic and profound understanding of the human psyche.
To delve deeper into what fuels the Enneagram Type 9, let’s explore the Tarot cards that symbolize this type: The Three of Pentacles, the Two of Swords, and Temperance.
The Three of Pentacles – A Symbol of Collaboration and Harmony
Belonging to the Minor Arcana, the Three of Pentacles perfectly epitomizes the Enneagram Type 9 personality. It is associated with collaboration, harmony, and shared goals. Each of these aspects reflects the core desire of the Enneagram Type 9, to maintain a stable and peaceful environment.
The Suit of Pentacles, representing the element of Earth, also connects with Type Nines in a broader sense. It symbolizes material aspects of life like wealth, health, and physical well-being, but also grounding, stability, and persistence. These qualities mirror the foundational aspects of Type 9s – their down to earth nature, their desire to create harmony, and their emphasis on the stability of their environmental and internal worlds. Just as the Earth provides the necessary conditions for life and growth, healthy Nines offer a supportive and calm presence in chaos.
As a person, the Three of Pentacles is a team player, providing a level-headed outlook in difficult situations. The imagery of the Three of Pentacles reveals a group of individuals working harmoniously towards a common objective, each contributing their unique skills to the project. This scene mirrors the Type Nine’s role in a group setting, where they often emerge as the unifying force, subtly guiding members to collaborate effectively without seeking the spotlight for themselves. They are hard workers that value self reliance as much as collaboration.
The card’s depiction of mutual respect and teamwork underscores the Nine’s natural inclination towards creating an atmosphere of peace and cohesiveness, ensuring that every voice is heard, and every member feels valued. Nines are skilled mediators and find common ground between multiple perspectives. Their ability to mediate and adapt to different personalities without imposing their own views vividly embodies the essence of the Three of Pentacles, symbolizing the beauty of collective achievement and the strength found in unity.
However, there is also a darker side to Three of Pentacles. This card symbolizes not just collaboration but an underlying aversion to discord and disagreement that aligns with the Nine’s core motivation.
Many Nines tend to sacrifice their own identity and own desires in order to avoid conflict. Loss and separation are the core fear of this personality type, and group situations like the Three of Pentacles can trigger unhealthy reactions in Type Nines. Passive resistance or avoidance can be the result when their needs and opinions are not considered or valued.
The Two of Swords – A Symbol of Indecision and Avoidance
The Two of Swords encapsulates the internal conflict typical of an Enneagram Type 9. Positioned with two swords crossed over her heart, the figure in this card is blindfolded. This could mean that she lacks the self-esteem to face the situation with her eyes open, or that she put the blindfold on intentionally to prevent herself from making a decision. This imagery resonates deeply with the Type Nine personality, who often finds themselves at a crossroads, struggling to reconcile their desire for peace with the necessity of confrontation.
This card speaks volumes about the challenges Nines face in their decision-making process. The blindfold represents the Nines’ tendency to ignore or avoid their own needs in an effort to keep the peace. By giving up their own power, Nines open the door for more aggressive personality types like Type Eights or Type Threes to take over, creating a sense of unease in the Nine and leading to further self-doubt.
Meanwhile, the crossed swords reflect the internal and external conflicts that arise from this avoidance. Type Nines run from their own anger, conflicts, and opinions, but it doesn’t stop the resentment from building. Consequently, their lack of direction and inability to assert themselves hinders their psychological and spiritual growth.
However, the Two of Swords also holds a valuable lesson for Nines – the importance of finding balance between opposing forces. Just as the figure in the card balances her two swords with ease and grace, Type Nines can learn to find harmony between their desire for peace and their need for self-expression. When Type Nines are true to themselves, they diffuse conflict internally and externally. Once they have a strong sense of their own priorities, they are able to take off the blindfold and overcome their core fear.
In essence, the Two of Swords mirrors the Type Nine’s realization that true peace means facing difficult decisions head-on. It underscores the importance of acknowledging and addressing personal needs and conflicts, even when it means stepping out of one’s comfort zone. As a result, Type Nines create stronger relationships and improve their self-esteem. Finally, they evolve from the Two of Swords into the glory of Temperance.
Temperance – A Symbol of Balance and Wholeness
Representing the Major Arcana, Temperance is an embodiment of the Enneagram nine personality. This card symbolizes balance, moderation, and patience – all essential traits for a type Nine.
The Temperance card depicts an angel figure, pouring water from one pitcher to another. This imagery conveys the concept of balancing opposing forces and finding harmony within oneself.
Healthy Nines exemplify this tarot card through their actions and treatment of others. Temperance holds up a mirror to the Type Nine’s journey towards wholeness. The card shows that true harmony comes from an acceptance of both light and dark, good and bad, passive and assertive.
Just as Temperance blends opposing elements seamlessly, Type Nines can learn to integrate their own conflicting desires and needs in order to achieve inner peace. This means embracing their own feelings and opinions without fear of conflict or separation.
Furthermore, this card symbolizes the transformation that occurs when Type Nines embrace their inner strength and confidence, shedding their need for external validation. They find a sense of purpose as they tap into their unique talents and abilities. Healthy Nines are no longer afraid to assert themselves and take charge of their own lives. They own their anger instead of being afraid of it. Admittedly, this may be easier for a Type Nine with an eight wing. However, inner healing is not exclusive to one personality type.
As a Type Nine becomes more self aware, they shed their need to constantly please others and instead, focus on self-mastery. Their self-image brightens, resulting in healthier relationships and a sense of fulfillment.
Heal Through the Enneagram and Tarot
The Enneagram and tarot can be powerful tools for self-discovery, healing, and personal growth. By exploring the interplay between personality types, core motivations, and tarot symbolism, individuals can gain a deeper understanding of themselves and their journey towards wholeness.
For Type Nines, the Three of Pentacles represents both their strengths as collaborators and their challenges with assertiveness. The Two of Swords reflects their struggle with decision-making and avoidance. Temperance embodies the ultimate goal of balance and integration.
We hope you have enjoyed our Enneagram series! Read our other articles to learn about all things Tarot.
Sincerely, the Gurus.