The Suit of Pentacles is all about Responsibility and our sense of resilience.
The Suit of Pentacles represents a possible journey the fool could make to learn about commerce. It is the story of rags to riches man who has struggles and learns lessons and eventually learns the value of working with the land and creating abundance by nurturing all the living things around him. Initially, he hustles and juggles but eventually, he is surrounded by a happy family and enjoys an abundant life. This is how the King of Pentacles creates a legacy.
Timing for the Suit of Pentacles
Generally, the suit of Pentacles represents fall if you are asking timing questions of the Tarot. We see many references in the suit of pentacles to working the land and enjoying the harvest. It relates to the astrological sign of Taurus who loves luxury and the act of feathering their own nest. If comfort is king be sure it is the King of Pentacles who has declared it so.
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The suit of Pentacles is the story of a fool trying to make his mark in the world.
Learn more about specific tarot cards in the Suit of Pentacles below…
Explore Other Tarot Suits
Now that you’ve learned about the Suit of Pentacles, check out our other articles about the Suit of Cups, Suit of Wands, and Suit of Swords!