With Friday the 13th coming up, some may be wary of the potential for misfortune. Everything from broken mirrors to black cats sends chills down the spine of the superstitious. Unlucky tarot cards are no different.
While superstition plays no part in the genuine practice of Tarot, many believe some tarot cards will bring about bad luck if they appear during a reading on this particular day – or any other day, for that matter.
If you consult a tarot reader or choose to read your own cards, remember that each card contains multiple meanings and that those meanings can be altered by your personal experiences. Even the most negative cards can have positive outcomes, even those that most people fear, like the Death Card and Devil Card.
With that being said, some tarot cards tend to be more misfortunate than others. Here are seven unlucky tarot cards you may encounter during your next tarot reading:
1. The Tower
The first card for tarot readers to watch out for is The Tower. One of the scariest cards in the tarot deck, the tower card symbolizes sudden and unexpected change. It is often associated with upheaval and disruption.
Unlike the Death card, which represents internal or spiritual transformation, the Tower is usually an external change. This change could be the loss of a job or certain relationships. Such changes may come as a shock to those who aren’t expecting them or aren’t prepared for them. The Tower can also represent accidents and losses, another cause for concern on such an inauspicious date.
The Tower is also part of the Major Arcana, meaning that it carries more weight than minor arcana cards of similar meanings. The Tower card reveals a common fear most of us hold – that our life will change without our control. It’s a warning that changes must be made and likely aren’t going to be pleasant.
For me, the Tower card represents rock bottom. Murphy’s law is in play – what can go wrong, will go wrong (and probably already has). However, there is a silver lining about being at your lowest – the only way to go is up!
2. Ten of Swords
The Ten of Swords is often seen as one of the most negative cards in the tarot deck. The Rider Waite card features a man face down on the ground with ten swords in his back, presumably dead. It symbolizes failure, loss, defeat, and unwelcome endings.
Tarot cards are often metaphorical and not literal. While the Ten of Swords could symbolize a literal death, it’s more likely alluding to the death of a project or relationship. It is a warning that things may not be turning out the way you want them to and that it might be time to throw in the towel.
It’s important to remember that 1o of Swords is not all bad. While it can represent loss and sadness, it also signals a new beginning. It suggests that it’s time to let go of baggage and clear away any excess in order to make room for something new. With the right attitude, you can turn even the most difficult situations into opportunities.
3. Five of Pentacles
The third card to be wary of is the Five of Pentacles. The Rider Waite card features two figures walking away from a church and into the night, alluding to feelings of desperation and despair. In the Shadowland Tarot Deck, a bigfoot-like figure watches a group of people frolicking around a campfire. The Five of Pentacles symbolizes poverty and misfortune, feeling separate from those who have more.
The Five of Pentacles is an omen that bad luck is on its way. It can be a sign that you need to take more care with your finances if you want to avoid financial hardship. If you’re feeling desperate, remember that help is always available – sometimes, all it takes is one phone call!
Additionally, the Five of Pentacles can represent feelings of loneliness and alienation. During this card’s appearance, you may be feeling like an outsider or that no one understands what you’re going through. If this is the case, it’s important to reach out to those who love and care about you.
4. Seven of Swords
Another unlucky tarot card is the Seven of Swords. This card shows a man creeping away with daggers that don’t belong to him. It symbolizes betrayal, deception, and sneakiness. Additionally, it can represent someone who takes advantage of an unsuspecting person or has hidden agendas.
To make things worse, the Seven of Swords carries negative energy both upright and reversed. When it appears upright in your tarot readings, someone in your life may be lying to you, either outright or by omission.
In a love tarot spread, the Seven of Swords is a sign of a toxic relationship. Your partner is not being upfront about something, whether that be their true feelings or their commitment to you.
Conversely, the reversed Seven of Swords is equally as unlucky. If this tarot card repeatedly appears, it means that you struggle with self-deceit and imposter syndrome. In some aspects of your life, you aren’t being truthful with yourself.
While this may be negative on the surface, the Seven of Swords also gives you the opportunity to create positive change. If you’ve felt down on yourself or like you aren’t doing enough, the reversed Seven of Swords means that you’re being too hard on yourself. You can do the things that you’re afraid of – you just have to believe!
5. Five of Cups
Next on our list of unlucky cards is the Five of Cups tarot card. The Rider Waite card features a man standing with his back to three cups that have been knocked over, and two cups still standing behind him. It signifies disappointment, sorrow, and regret, the negative energies that fall in the emotional Suit of Cups.
The Five of Cups suggests that something has been lost and cannot be retrieved. It can also mean that you’ve indulged in too much self-pity, or are holding on to something that’s not healthy for you anymore. It’s a dark omen in relationships or careers, suggesting that you may find more sorrow than happiness as you pause in self-reflection.
However, the Five of Cups can also be a sign to gain insight into your past and current experiences. By gaining clarity on what has been lost, you gain the power to move forward with a new perspective. It’s time to look beyond the spilled cups and gain understanding from the events that led you here. The Five of Cups reminds us that we can take life lessons from the most painful situations.
6. Three of Swords
Of all the cards to appear in a love reading, the Three of Swords card is by far the unluckiest. This tarot card features a red heart pierced by three swords, alluding to feelings of betrayal and emotional pain. You’ll pull this card from your tarot decks when your mind is warring with your heart. The Three of Swords suggests that it’s time for some soul-searching – what old wounds need healing, and how can you move forward from here?
The Suit of Swords is ruled by the element of air, and it often focuses on the mind, logic, and communication. You may feel unlucky pulling the Three of Swords because it indicates that someone will wound you with their words. An argument or conversation may go south. In a love reading, this card could signify a breakup where one partner decides to end things without discussion.
The Three of Swords is an indication that pain from past associations may be lingering in the present. It can indicate that you are facing a difficult situation and need time to process your emotions.
However, it’s important to remember that even this bad luck card holds a message of hope. Its power lies in teaching us to recognize our strength and resilience in the face of sorrow. With its reminder that healing is possible, this card offers you a chance to make peace with yourself and your past. Use it to move forward with courage and understanding.
7. Ten of Wands
Last but not least, we come to the Ten of Wands. This card is typically seen as a very unlucky one since it symbolizes an unbearable burden and a feeling of being weighed down by too much responsibility. It suggests that you are carrying more than your fair share, and in doing so you may be neglecting other parts of your life.
The Suit of Wands corresponds with the element of Fire, representing passion, ambition, and action. It can also signify free will – the choices we make lead us on our journey through life. The Ten of Wands shows us the repression of our needs. We cannot live our best lives when we are consumed by too many responsibilities.
The Ten of Wands is a reminder to find balance in your life. It’s time to reassess your priorities and ensure you have enough time for yourself. You must also acknowledge when it’s time to reach out for help or delegate tasks. This bad luck card serves as a warning that if left unchecked, the overwhelming burden will eventually become too much to bear. Use its message of caution as an opportunity to take action and free yourself from a heavy workload.
Make The Best of Unlucky Tarot Cards
No matter what tarot card you draw, there is always an opportunity to learn. Unlucky cards can bring about challenging and difficult situations in life, but by using their messages as a source of guidance, you can use them to better yourself. By understanding the hidden meaning behind each card, you are given a chance to find clarity in the situations you face every day. Remember that it’s never too late to turn bad luck into good.
If you want to learn more about the Tarot, feel free to check out our other articles!