With Friday the 13th coming up, some may be wary of the potential for misfortune. Everything from broken mirrors to black cats sends chills down the spine of the superstitious. Unlucky tarot cards are no different. Here are seven unlucky tarot cards you may encounter during your next tarot reading!
What Does the Lovers Tarot Card Mean?
The Lovers Tarot Card is one of the most recognizable cards in the tarot deck. It is the sixth card of the major arcana, and it serves as a mirror to the Devil tarot card. While this tarot card typically refers to romantic relationships, it can also represent a close friendship or family relationship where love, respect, and compassion are shared. Whether you are single or in a relationship, the Lovers tarot card reminds us of the importance of cultivating meaningful connections with those we care about.
What Does the Nine of Cups Mean?
This card typically signifies satisfaction, contentment, and plenty. It can represent feeling emotionally fulfilled or having your material needs met.
The nine of cups can also suggest that you are surrounded by people who support and love you. sometimes this card appears when someone is about to experience good luck.
What Does the Strength Tarot Card Mean?
The Tarot Awaits Learn more about the Major Arcana and have all your tarot questions answered. Our articles cover it all!
What Does the Eight of Cups Tarot Card Mean?
Eight of Cups Tarot Card – Keywords Eight of Cups Tarot Card Description The Eight of Cups usually depicts a person walking away from a situation, often represented by the Seven of Cups. Ruled by water, the Suit of Cups deals with emotional upheaval. This card wants you to release your burdens and traumas and let […]
What Does the Seven of Cups Tarot Card Mean?
What does the Seven of Cups look like? The Seven of Cups Tarot card description is a colorful and dreamlike image. It depicts a figure surrounded by seven cups filled with wishes, each overflowing with different symbolic objects. These objects represent different aspects of the figure’s life, such as their hopes, dreams, and fears. The […]
What does the Six of Cups Tarot Card Mean?
What does the Six of Cups Tarot Card look like? The Six of Cups is a card that is often associated with nostalgia and childhood memories. The Six of Cups tarot card description is usually a young boy or girl offering a cup of flowers to another child. Behind them is usually a stone wall or […]
What Does the Five of Cups Card Mean?
The message of the Five of Cups is that we cannot move forward until we have processed our emotions and let go of what is holding us back. This can be a difficult and painful process, but it is necessary in order to move on to better things.
What Does The King of Wands Tarot Card Mean?
The King of Wands is usually depicted as a middle-aged, red-headed man sitting on a golden throne holding a blossoming wand. He is the ruler of his domain. On his throne, he wears a simple tunic and pants with a gold belt. In his right hand, he holds a scepter with a white lily on the end.
The King of Wands tarot card meanings represents someone who is brave, confident, and has great passion. They are also generous, hospitable, and have a strong sense of justice.
What Does The Queen of Wands Tarot Card Mean?
The Queen of Wands often signifies a strong and fiery woman who is able to take charge and get things done. She is usually depicted as a beautiful woman with long hair, holding a wand or scepter in her hand.