The Knight of Cups represents idealism, chivalry, and the search for your soulmate.
What Does the Knight of Wands Tarot Card Mean?
The upright Knight of Wands is a powerful card, representing the energy and passion of youth. The Knight is pictured as a young man charging across the desert on his horse, with red hair flying behind him. He embodies the flame of inspiration and is full of vitality and courage. This is a card of action and movement, urging us to follow our dreams and seize the day.
How To Interpret Court Cards in Your Tarot Reading
Some readers see the Court Cards as specific people or personalities. Others may see them as indicators of certain situations, events, or realizations. That can make it difficult for beginners to interpret Court Cards in a Tarot reading because they may lack the experience to know which meaning applies in what circumstance. Follow our tips to read Court Cards like a pro!