For millennia, humans have used the full moon to guide them through life’s struggles and to celebrate its joys. Tarot has become one of the most popular ways for many individuals to explore divination and self-discovery. Combining these two powerful tools allows you to find insight into any issue or situation in your life.
We’ve created this simple five-card Full Moon Tarot Spread to help you tap into moon magic as it relates to you. Let’s dive in!
What does a full moon symbolize?
Each phase of the moon cycle holds its own significance. The new moon is the first phase of the lunar cycle and represents new beginnings, similar to the Aces in a tarot deck. Practitioners spring into action during the waxing moon, a sign of progress. On the other hand, the waning moon symbolizes rest and nurturance, a time to recognize and honor the “softer” parts of yourself.
When you think of the full moon, werewolves and witches likely come to mind. Strange happenings rule the night, or at least, we seem more attuned to them. This is because of the chaotic and otherworldly essence of the full moon’s energy.
Full moons are a symbol of transformation. They shed light on the dark parts of ourselves in a wonderful way. Without acknowledgment of the shadow side, we cannot experience personal growth.
Often, the moon brings out our emotional side. You may feel more hostile, melancholic, or energized during this time. In astrology, our natal moon sign is strongly related to our reactions and temperament. During a full moon, it is likely that you will be more sensitive to the influence of your natal moon sign.
Lastly, the full moon represents abundance and completion. It is a time for gratitude for all that you have and all that is to come. Full moon rituals are a great way to express your thanks to the universe and connect to moon energy in a spiritual sense.
What full moon rituals can I practice?
If you’re looking for full-moon ritual ideas, you’ve come to the right place. There are several ways you can harness the spiritual essence of the moon, so grab your crystals and tarot cards!
Make moon water
Making moon water is a simple way to capture the healing power of the full moon. All you need is a glass jar, filtered water, and some herbs (optional). Fill your jar about halfway with water and add your chosen herbs. Place it in an area that will be exposed to the full moon beams directly or indirectly for at least 3-4 hours, preferably overnight.
When you wake up the next morning, your moon water is ready for use! You can drink it as a beverage or add it to other healing recipes. Moon water can also be used in cleansing rituals and beauty treatments.
Charge your crystals
Full moon energy is ideal for charging crystals. Crystals are believed to amplify energy, so if your intention is to invite more abundance or find inner peace, you can use the full moon to do just that! All you need are some crystals that correspond with your intentions and a window sill exposed to the full moonlight. Place each crystal on the windowsill for at least 3-4 hours.
Once you’ve charged your crystals, keep them in a safe place and allow yourself to be illuminated by their positive energy!
Choose an affirmation to work with
Choosing an affirmation and working with it under the light of a full moon is a great way to bring positive energy into your life. Affirmations are powerful statements that you can use as mantras or write down and place in areas where you will see them often. Every time you come across them, repeat your affirmation out loud or silently to yourself. Doing so will help you manifest your intention and attract more of what you desire.
Perform a full moon tarot reading
For many, reading Tarot is an energy-based practice as well as a spiritual one. A tarot deck is used as a tool or conduit for connecting with our highest self.
The natural cycles of nature affect our bodies and the world around us. Menstrual cycles, moon cycles, the rise and fall of the tide – each impact how human beings interact with our environment. Querents that view Tarot as an exchange of energy understand that the moon influences and heightens our connection to the other side.
Our full moon tarot spread uses the spiritual significance of the moon cycle to bring clarity to any issue or situation. Just ask the cards the questions on your heart, and this spread will do the rest.
What specific questions should I ask my tarot deck during a full moon reading?
When performing a full moon tarot reading, it’s essential to ask the right questions to gain insightful responses. Here are a few questions you can consider:
- What is rising in me? This question explores what is currently coming to the surface in your life or emotional world.
- What should I celebrate? This question can help you focus on the good and appreciate all that is going well in your life.
- What should I release or let go of? This question allows you to identify any obstacles, behaviors, or patterns that may be holding you back.
- What energies should I embrace during this lunar phase? This question helps you identify the energies, feelings, or experiences you should embrace to further your growth and development.
Before You Start
A little prep work goes a long way when you want to lay a full moon tarot spread. Here are the steps we suggest to optimize your experience:
Cleanse your space
Before starting your tarot reading, it’s important to cleanse your sacred space. This removes any negative energy and creates a positive, receptive environment for your reading. You can cleanse your space in several ways:
- Smudging: Many people use sage, palo santo, or sweetgrass to smudge their space. However, we suggest using an herb that holds significance to you to avoid appropriation of other cultures. Light the end of the herb stick and let it smolder. Gently blow out the flame so it smokes, then walk around your room, allowing the smoke to permeate the space.
- Sound: Use a singing bowl, chimes, or a bell to bathe your space in sound. The vibration from the sound helps to dispel negative energy.
- Crystals: Certain crystals like selenite and black tourmaline are known for their cleansing properties. Place them in your reading space to create a clear, energized environment.
- Visualization: In your mind’s eye, imagine a white or golden light filling your space, pushing out any negativity.
Whichever method you choose, make sure to focus on your intention of cleansing the space. Once your space is clean, you can proceed with your full moon tarot reading.
Select your deck
Selecting the right tarot deck is a crucial element of the full moon tarot spread. Each tarot deck has its own unique energy, artwork, and interpretation of the traditional tarot archetypes. The deck you choose for your full moon tarot spread should resonate with you on a personal and intuitive level.
For selecting a tarot deck, consider the following:
- Artwork and Imagery: The images on the tarot cards should speak to you and trigger your intuition. Artwork you find beautiful or intriguing can help you connect better with the cards and gain more insightful readings.
- Energy of the Deck: Each deck has a distinct energy to it. Some may have a nurturing, peaceful energy while others may be more confrontational and challenging. Choose a deck that connects well with your intentions for the full moon tarot spread.
- Size of the Cards: Ensure the size of the tarot cards is comfortable for you to shuffle and handle. Too large or too small cards can hinder your connection with the deck.
- Guidebook: Most tarot decks come with a guidebook. The guidebook can provide helpful insights into the meanings of the cards and aid you in your readings, especially if you’re a beginner.
Remember, there is no right or wrong choice when it comes to selecting a tarot deck. Go with what feels right for you and trust your intuition. Once you have chosen your deck, cleanse and charge it under the moon before your reading, just as you would with your crystals.
Shuffle your cards
Once your space is cleansed and you have chosen your deck, it’s time to shuffle the cards. Shuffling helps break any energy patterns that may be lingering from past readings and allows new energies to flow into the reading.
To begin shuffling, hold the tarot deck in both hands and focus on your intention for the reading. Visualize your intention and imagine it radiating into the deck. Then, shuffle the cards using any method that feels comfortable for you. You can also ask your tarot deck a question or two while shuffling if you wish. After you have finished shuffling, cut the deck into three piles with your left hand. This signifies closure on any previous readings and opens up the energy for the current reading.
Now that your cards are shuffled and charged, you are ready to begin your full moon tarot spread!
Interpreting the Full Moon Tarot Spread
Pull five cards from your tarot deck and lay them out in the shape of a cross (see diagram below).
Once you have laid out the cards for your full moon tarot spread, spend a few moments reflecting on each card and its position in the spread. Consider how they may be related to one another and what overall message or theme they convey. Allow yourself to feel whatever emotions arise as you contemplate each card’s significance. Then, write down any thoughts or insights.
Here is the meaning of each card in your full moon tarot spread:
1. Clarity
The first card represents the light of the full moon. Think of the moon illuminating what was previously hidden from you or buried in your subconscious. This will give you an idea of the energies that are currently at play in your life.
This card may reveal a prominent theme of your life during the last moon cycle or a part of yourself that you need to work on. For example, the Empress card may indicate a need to nurture yourself, while the Ten of Pentacles may suggest the need to focus on your material security.
2. Chaos
The second card signifies the person or source of chaos during the full moon’s reign. This can be anything that has caused you disruption or upheaval, such as a difficult relationship dynamic or an unexpected event.
Additionally, this card can speak to the degree of upheaval you are experiencing. The Tower card implies severe, sudden changes for you. On the other hand, the Four of Swords promises peace or a restful period before the next full moon.
3. Emotion
The third card in this spread represents our emotional state. Full moons stir up our inner feelings and bring our deepest desires to the surface. Our heightened sensitivity during this time contributes to the overall chaos of the moon. By paying attention to our emotions, we can better honor them and our needs during this cycle.
Both your natal moon sign and the current full moon’s zodiac sign will influence your reactions. Fire moons will likely draw Wands, water moons Cups, and so on.
4. Release
The fourth card shows what is no longer serving you and how you can let go of it. This card can focus on a particular behavior that is hindering your journey, or a situation that you need to distance yourself from.
Alternatively, this card can speak to the emotions that you are releasing during the full moon period. For example, if you pull the Ten of Cups here, it could indicate that you are ready to let go of any negative emotional patterns and manifest joy in your life.
5. Celebration
The final card in your full moon tarot spread signifies Celebration, or what you should be grateful for. This card surfaces the blessings in your life, reminding you to appreciate your journey and recognize everything you have achieved so far. It may represent personal growth, accomplished goals, positive relationships, or valuable lessons learned.
For instance, drawing the Sun card in this position could signify a time of joy, success, and vitality that you should celebrate. Alternatively, the Six of Cups could highlight cherished memories or relationships that you should be thankful for. Take a moment to reflect on this card and express gratitude for what it represents in your life. Remember, gratitude can transform common days into thanksgiving, routine jobs into joy, and ordinary opportunities into blessings.
Supporting Cards
In addition to the main cards in your tarot spread, you can also draw supporting cards for further insight and clarification. These cards can add depth to your readings and help you understand the nuances of the main cards better.
To draw a supporting card, focus on one of the main cards that you feel needs more clarification. Ask your tarot deck a question related to this card, and draw a card from the deck. This card will provide additional insights or advice on the situation that the main card is indicating.
For instance, if the chaos card in your spread is the Five of Swords, indicating conflict or disagreement, you might want to know how best to handle this situation. Ask your deck, “How can I navigate this conflict peacefully?” The supporting card you draw will provide guidance on this.
Remember, the supporting cards should not divert or change the main message of a tarot reading but should enhance and deepen your understanding of it. Always consider the supporting cards in the context of the full spread and the question or intention you set for the reading.
The Full Moon is a Period of Celebration, Closure, Release or Harvesting
In conclusion, a Full Moon tarot spread is a powerful tool for introspection, revelation, and transformation. It illuminates the shadows, disrupts the status quo, and guides you toward resolution and release. The spread encourages you to acknowledge your journey, celebrate your accomplishments, and release what no longer serves you. The addition of supporting cards provides a deeper understanding and nuanced insights into the primary cards.
Remember, the full moon phase symbolizes a time of completion and fulfillment—an ideal moment to explore your spirit’s complexities. As you lay out your Full Moon tarot spread, may you find clarity, healing, and illumination on your path.
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