Tarot cards are an ancient form of divination, evoking wit and wisdom to help guide you on your life’s journey. Asking the right questions can unlock a trove of insight and knowledge that can be used to make decisions and take action.
For most people, it’s no small feat to get in front of a professional tarot reader. Once you’re there, it can be intimidating to think of just the right question to ask so that you get the most value out of the silver that you’ve used across the palm of your reader. You may worry that you don’t know what question to ask tarot readers.
Additionally, it can be a little intimidating to think that all the knowledge in the universe is available on that tarot deck of cards, the pressure is on to pick just the right question. Some people panic and ask yes or no questions, but these can only offer so much information. Effective tarot questions are the best way to ensure you receive the information you need from your next tarot reading.
In my experience, there are some basic subjects that you can break your questions down into. Narrowing things down to a single subject will help you get the best read on the category that you would like, whether you’re throwing your own spread or asking a professional tarot reader for help.
Let’s take a look at how to ask the best questions for the tarot cards.
What are the Best Questions to Ask in Tarot Readings?
The best questions to ask the Tarot during a reading are those which will help you move forward in your own life with a higher intention. Don’t ask questions that are based on negativity or hatred for others because you don’t want that energy to come back to you. Additionally, avoid asking questions that are too vague or too narrow for the matter at hand. Yes and no tarot questions only get you so far. Focus on being very specific in your questions and try to avoid those which are too broad or open-ended.
Some great questions include: “What can I do to improve this situation?” or “What is the best way to approach this problem?” Questions like these will give you concrete, useful information that you can apply to your life straight away.
Most importantly, avoid asking questions when you know you aren’t prepared for the answer. Not only does this put the reader in an awkward position (if someone else is doing your tarot reading), but you cannot accept information that you aren’t ready for. It serves no purpose.
Think of it like this: there is a reason we don’t remember every detail of our past lives. The information would overwhelm us and prevent us from progressing throughout our current life. Asking questions you don’t want the answer to may hinder your growth instead of helping you.
Let’s look at some specific categories for our list of sample tarot questions!
Tarot Questions About Your Career
The average person will spend a third of their life at work. Given this statistic, it’s no wonder we have so many questions regarding the subject! If you have money on your mind, throw a career tarot spread and watch the coins fall.
Pay attention to the suits that appear in your tarot reading. I often find that the Suit of Cups comes up in my financial readings – probably because I get so emotional about money. Cups are also deeply intuitive and creative, so if they come up often in your career readings, it may be a sign that those traits will benefit you the most financially.
In addition, the Suit of Wands pops up for assertive, driven workers. Wands are ruled by the fire element, so their enthusiasm finds those with a passionate, entrepreneurial spirit. However, if you look at your career path in a factual, cut-and-dry manner, you’ll likely pull cards from the Suit of Swords.
Careers and finances are most closely related to the Suit of Pentacles. Pentacles represent abundance, safety, and security. They can represent material success, but they also signify self-esteem, confidence, and the ability to take risks and trust your instincts in life. Because of this, earthy Pentacles cards like the Ace of Pentacles or Eight of Pentacles are usually positive in career spreads.
The more often you read a card tarot spread, the more likely patterns will reveal themselves over time. You will begin to see symbols related to your career when you regularly ask questions for the tarot cards. This is why it’s important to keep track of your readings and the advice that was given. You never know when something that seemed insignificant at first will become a major source of insight later on.
A stable, fulfilling career can take years to build, so I suggest looking at it over an extended period of time. Ask these questions during your next career spread:
Career Questions
- What do I need to know most about my career?
- What obstacles do I need to overcome in order to reach my career goals?
- How can I best use my talents and abilities at work?
- What unexpected opportunities await me in my career?
- How can I increase my professional success and advancement?
- What should be my next step to improve my career?
- Should I ask for a raise?
- How can I provide more value to my company?
- What can I learn from the past?
- What cycles are impacting me?
- How can I attract a mentor?
- What is holding me back in my career?
- How can I find my dharma?
- What could trip me up at work?
- How can I find favor at work?
- What’s the strongest foundation to build upon?
- Should I take additional training?
- What can I do to make my current job more fulfilling?
- How can I achieve work life balance?
Questions to Ask the Tarot About Love and Relationships
Love tends to be one of the things people ask most about – that’s why Love Tarot Spreads are so popular. Almost everyone wants to know if they’ll someday be like The Lovers or the Two of Cups, wrapped in the embrace of someone who truly desires and understands them.
When it comes to matters of the heart, tarot cards can be a great tool for helping you find your way. Whether you’re in the throes of new love, working through a tough patch with your significant other, or just looking for some clarity on a person who has caught your eye, tarot can provide guidance into all kinds of romantic questions and increase your self-awareness as you navigate your relationships.
With its mix of symbolism and intuitive understanding, tarot is an accessible means to exploring the complexities – both positive and negative – found within any relationship. So if you’re feeling anxious or confused about where things stand with someone special (or not so special!), don’t despair: tarot can help answer your questions about love.
Love and Relationship Questions
- Who is moving toward me in my love life?
- Is my soul mate near me?
- Will my lover return?
- Is my lover faithful?
- How can I move my love life forward?
- How can I attract a loving soul mate?
- What’s the strongest foundation to build upon?
- How can I communicate with my lover effectively?
- Is there a pregnancy on the horizon?
- How can I open myself up to deeper connection and intimacy?
- Where am I strongest in love?
- Is marriage indicated for me?
- How can I raise the vibration of my relationship?
- How can I be more loving to my partner?
- What does my partner need from me?
- What should I look out for?
- What am I denying in my love life?
- What do I need to know most about my love life?
Health Tarot Questions
In my experience reading cards, this subject is not often asked about. However, I think it’s good to run a Health tarot spread for yourself every now and then. Using specific tarot card spreads for key subjects can help focus your intentions and provide more detailed answers to the question you’re asking.
When your health is good, everything else is great. Sometimes little adjustments made early can make a great difference, especially for athletes trying to dial in good sports performance. Keep an eye out for cards that indicate your health needs a tune-up, like the Seven of Cups or the Devil.
Health Questions
- What changes should I make in order to improve my overall well-being?
- Is there anything I am doing now to hinder my healing process?
- What am I ignoring about my health?
- How can I best manage stress and stay balanced emotionally?
- What can I do to strengthen my immune system?
- What aspects of my lifestyle should I adjust in order to achieve better health outcomes?
- How can I nurture myself so that I can heal from physical ailments, emotional struggles, and mental blocks?
- Are there any spiritual practices or affirmations that would be beneficial for me right now?
- What is the best way for me to nourish my body, mind, and spirit?
- How can I overcome my traumas?
- What am I not seeing about my health?
- What is the underlying cause of my current health issues?
Questions For the Tarot About Family and Family Conflict
Drama is inevitable in life, and sometimes those closest to us have the most important lessons to teach. Whether you’re looking for insight into family relationships, exploring your inner dynamics, or just trying to figure out how to navigate an upcoming family gathering with grace and ease, an accurate tarot reading can provide the answers.
Despite the love between family members, tension is almost always part of the package. Parents and children often don’t see eye-to-eye, sometimes because of generational divides, and other times because of clashing personalities. Ask the tarot to help set boundaries, honor each other’s perspectives, and find common ground.
When things seem hopeless, ask a tarot spread how to create positive change. Whether it’s looking for creative solutions to break old patterns of behavior or identifying underlying issues that are holding relationships back, tarot can be used as a tool to bring fresh insights and clarity into situations.
Tarot questions about family don’t always have to be serious either – they can also delve into the lighter side of life! Ask the cards how best to open up communication with family members you haven’t seen in years, or even if it’s worth reaching out at all! The answers may surprise you — sometimes taking chances and embracing the unknown can bring about amazing surprises.
Family and Drama Questions
- How do I best approach a difficult conversation with a relative?
- What family lessons have I yet to learn?
- How should I respond to stress within my extended family system?
- What blessings do my friends and loved ones bring me?
- How may I find peace in moments of conflict between relatives?
- What can I do to create harmony within my family?
- What is the best way for me to handle a disagreement with a family member?
- Are there any past life situations affecting the situation?
- How do I break generational trauma?
- How can I be more understanding and compassionate towards my relatives?
- Is there anything blocking me from connecting deeply with my siblings?
- What guidance is the universe sending me regarding my family relationships?
- What do I need to know most about this situation with my family member?
- What can I do to strengthen my relationship with my parent/child?
Questions to Ask The Tarot About Timing
Oh, I would trade many talents for good timing. There are some people who are really blessed with it. They say Sagittarians are blessed by the stars with good timing. In some ways, good timing is related to good luck. It’s well worth consulting a tarot card spread to make sure your timing on all things is as good as possible.
Keep in mind that each tarot card is related to a zodiac sign. When asking a question about timing, some cards may reference the weeks that fall under their zodiac sign. For example, the Seven of Pentacles is ruled by Taurus, so the situation you’re asking about could fall between April 20 to May 20.
That’s only one way to interpret tarot card spreads about timing. The general nature of the card may be a better indicator. The Six of Swords implies things are moving quickly. On the other hand, the Knight of Pentacles would represent a slow-moving situation.
You can also make use of timing cards like The Hanged Man and Temperance to get a better understanding of when things will happen.
Moreover, each suit represents different increments of time. Practitioners often disagree on the translations, but for our blog, wands are days, cups are weeks, swords are months, and pentacles are seasons or years.
The tarot is an incredibly powerful tool, so use it wisely when asking questions about timing. Get the answers you need and ask these timing questions for the Tarot Cards.
Timing Questions
- What’s trying to come forward in my life?
- How can I restore hope for the future?
- Is now the best time to move forward with my plans?
- How can I know when something is happening in the near future?
- What opportunities are coming up that I should take advantage of?
- How likely is it that this project or event will happen in a timely manner?
- What should I do to ensure that I’m on time with my goals?
- Will this timing work out for the best, or am I cutting things too close?
- How do I get into the right place at the right time?
- Is it better to wait or act now when considering timing?
- When will I feel like I’m back on track?
Questions For The Tarot Cards About Yourself
If you’re brave and curious, why not turn the tarot cards to yourself? People regularly turn to personality tests, self-help books, and the like for insight into themselves, and the Tarot is no different. Most tarot spreads are centered around the querent anyway, including the Celtic Cross Spread, and you can easily adjust those that aren’t.
When you’re asking the deep tarot questions about yourself, focus on areas that are challenging or where you need clarity. If a card resonates with you during readings, take some time to think about what it means for your current situation and use it as an opportunity for self-reflection and personal growth.
The Tarot is also a great tool for finding out what might be blocking you, what needs to be released, and how to move forward with a positive attitude. Get a different perspective on your life and take some much-needed insight from the Universe with these personal questions for the tarot cards.
Questions About Yourself
- What do I need to know right now?
- What is my core self?
- What do I need to understand about myself and life in general?
- Where can I find the strength to make changes in my life?
- What is the best way for me to express myself?
- Who am I at my best?
- What am I like at my worst?
- What areas of my life am I neglecting and why?
- How do I find my purpose in life?
- What do I need to focus on in order to create the life I want?
- What parts of myself can I rely on?
- How do I present myself to other people?
- How can I use my strengths and weaknesses to my advantage?
- What hidden gifts or talents do I have that I’m not using?
- Am I being honest with myself and others about what I truly desire?
- How can I find more balance in my life?
- Is there a deeper meaning behind my actions that I need to uncover?
Tarot Questions About Choices
Making decisions can be tricky, especially when there are multiple options in front of you. When it comes to making choices, a tarot card reader can help you evaluate your current situation and understand the consequences of each decision you make.
The colorful images of the cards really help move me internally when I am stuck betwixt and between questions. I love the “should I/shouldn’t I” dilemma. Pulling two cards, one for each choice made, helps me break down the decision-making process. Instead of the simple yes-no pull, try to create depth in your questions so you can really see the choices and the outcomes they will bring.
These questions for the tarot cards about choices should help you along the way.
Questions About Choices
- I can go two ways. Which way is best?
- What, if anything, needs to be done?
- What options should I consider when making this decision?
- What would be the best outcome if I make this decision?
- Will choosing this path lead me to a positive destination?
- What hidden challenges or obstacles do I need to prepare for?
- What am I denying?
- How can I learn from this situation and come out ahead?
- What do I need to keep in mind before making a final decision?
- What message of support does the Universe have for me right now?
- What am I seeing that’s not true?
- How can I ensure that my chosen path is the right one for me?
Bonus Round: Funny Questions to Ask the Tarot
Although the Tarot can help you sort through difficult obstacles and situations, you can also turn your tarot spread for a bit of fun. It’s always good to lighten up and not take yourself too seriously. Additionally, throwing some humor into your questions can be a great way to get creative and explore different perspectives. It’s also a low-stakes way to improve your reading methods and get familiar with different spreads.
We learn a lot when we play, and we can undergo spiritual growth even when we feel out of our element. So open the door with a few funny tarot questions and see where your imagination and the tarot deck take you.
Funny Questions
- What would I do if I could be invisible for a day?
- If I had three wishes, what would they be?
- Will I ever ride an elephant?
- What are some of the silliest things that make me happy?
- What adventure should I embark on next?
- If I were a shapeshifter, what animal would I be? (Meditate with the image you get and see what survival skills and emotional lessons that animal has that can be applied to your life).
- What would be the most outrageous way for me to make a living?
- If I were an ancient god, what god would I be? (very fun with Oracle decks)
- Will I ever write a book?
- How can I add more fun and playfulness into my life?
- Will I ever visit a foreign country? (pull clarifiers)
- What would be the best way to surprise someone I care about?
- Will I ever be a millionaire?
- What should I do if I want to break out of my comfort zone?
Tips For Phrasing Good Questions to Ask the Tarot
Now that know so many great questions to ask the Tarot, it’s time to take your inquiry one step further. Incorporating these special techniques into your tarot readings can help you get the most out of each answer from the cards.
Be Specific
When it comes to tarot readings, it’s important to ask open-ended questions. This means that instead of asking a yes or no question, you should ask ones that require more explanation. Instead of asking “Will I get the job?” try something like “What do I need to know to make my best decision about this job opportunity?”
By phrasing questions in this way, you are opening up your mind and heart to what the tarot is trying to tell you. It also gives the Tarot more to work with, offering a greater depth of insight into your situation.
The next time you’re ready for a tarot reading, take the time to frame your questions carefully and thoughtfully. This will help ensure that you get the most out of each answer the tarot has to offer.
Ask for Clarifiers and Explanations
Look at the Tarot cards and the story they are telling you. Remember, it’s not just the words of the reader that you are taking with you to comfort you in your distress. It’s also the symbolism of the cards, and how they interact with each other.
If something doesn’t make sense to you, don’t be afraid to ask for clarification or further explanation from your reader. Ask questions that prompt them to explain more about what a particular card means in relation to your question. This can help you gain a deeper understanding of the information that the tarot is giving you.
Remember, Tarot doesn’t follow the same strict dogmas that many religions enforce. It’s okay to pull more cards than a spread suggests or ask for clarification on a card’s meaning. For example, I often pull clarifiers each month when I revisit my New Year Tarot Spread. Above all, you should do whatever feels right for you in order to get the most out of your tarot reading.
Be Open to Revisions and Reframing
Sometimes, the Tarot can provide answers that may not make sense at first. Don’t be too quick to dismiss these answers or jump to conclusions. Take some time to think about what your reading has revealed and how it applies to your situation.
Consider the possibility that the Tarot is asking you to approach things from a different perspective or take a different course of action than what you initially planned. If you’re feeling stuck, try reframing your question in order to get more insight into the issue at hand.
Importantly, keep in mind that tarot cards are typically more metaphorical than literal. Although Court Cards can stand in for actual people (or yourself), other card meanings are more obscure. Death is less about physical deaths and more about change and endings. Cards like the Star, Moon, and Sun are more than celestial bodies and represent inspiration, illusion, and celebration.
Keep Questions Focused on Yourself
There is much of the universe you absolutely can’t control. This is why the Rider Waite deck has a Tower card.
In the navy, the chiefs used to say, “Every man is captain of his own boat, but no man rules the ocean.” While the Tarot can provide insight into your life, it cannot predict future events or control other people. Therefore, make sure that your questions are focused on yourself and what you can do to move forward.
Questions like “What do I need to do to make my boyfriend happy?” won’t provide you with the answers you’re seeking. Instead, ask something like “How can I better understand and honor my needs in this relationship?”
By keeping the focus of your questions on yourself, you will be more likely to draw useful conclusions from the cards. After all, the Tarot is meant to guide and empower you – not control or dictate your life choices.
Take Ownership of the Situation
At the end of the day, the cards are only able to provide guidance. The final decisions and actions that you take in life are up to you. The best questions to ask the tarot cards are to ask about things you can change within yourself. Tarot readings can help clarify your thoughts and feelings, but the ultimate responsibility lies with you.
You can be a broad influencer to the world at large, but your largest sphere of influence will always be over your own mind. Although the external world can place roadblocks in front of us, it is often our own mental blocks that hold us back. Even if you can’t control which cards appear for you, you can choose how to respond to them. Don’t think of negative tarot cards as things that will upset or hinder you, but as obstacles that you will overcome.
Regardless of the tarot card reading, you receive and the advice contained therein, remember the future is always changeable and you are the author of your own story. Be open to new possibilities and maintain a positive outlook. If you have any questions about what is the right path to take, always follow the path of higher intention. Move towards joy, kindness, creativity, and freedom. This is the key to unlocking your full potential with the tarot!
Don’t be like the Eight of Swords and create a prison of your own making. Instead, be the Strength tarot card and walk in the light of The Sun.
People will cross the street when you know who you are. Intrinsically, they will feel your energy as if a lion walks beside you.
The takeaway is this: the Tarot can help you gain clarity, but it is ultimately up to you to make decisions and take the steps necessary to create the life of your dreams. Ask yourself thoughtful questions, pay attention to the wisdom the cards provide, and take action on what you learn. Lastly, remember that the intention behind your question is more significant than your wording. Bringing an open heart and mind to the conversation is the best way to bring the truth to light.
More Questions For Your Tarot Readings
Now you have over 100 questions to ask your tarot cards, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have more. We’re big believers in building your tarot collection and exploring your inner self. The more tarot decks and books you have on the subject, the better. If you think like us, here are some books on tarot questions you add to your repertoire:
All Your Tarot Questions Answered
No matter what questions you ask, the Tarot will always provide you with honest and reliable guidance. While the answers may not always be easy to hear or accept, they often come in unexpected ways, giving you the needed support to move forward and create positive change within your life.
We know that you probably have more questions about the Tarot, and we’re here to help. Tarot Guru can not only teach you all 78 card meanings, but you can also learn how to do your own readings. We have plenty of tarot articles to show you everything you need to know to advance your tarot skills, so be sure to check them out!
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